Investing in Blue innovation!Supporting startups entrepreneurship in Piraeus!Empowering innovative entrepreneurs!

The The StartUPiraeus Support Center was launched in 2021, as a local innovative action of Piraeus Blue Strategy 2018-2024. Gradually, it aims to set up an official institutional organization that offers consulting services for accelerating “Blue Innovation” in the city of Piraeus. It aims to inspire, empower, and support, firms, and in particular Startups and spinout companies to develop and scale-up game-changing innovations with an emphasis on the blue economy.

The project “The StartUPiraeus Support Center” is an initiative of the Municipality of Piraeus in the framework of the Integrated Territorial Investment Strategy for Blue Growth and aims to promote the innovated entrepreneurship in the sectors of the Blue Economy.

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of Attica 2014-2020.


Aim of the project


Municipality of Piraeus


Project’s Implementation Actors


StartUPiraeus Support Center


Our team

Horizontal Business Support Services ( Startuppers and innovators)

The Piraeus Municipality of Piraeus Young Enterprise Promotion Centre provided personalised consultancy services aiming at the development of an innovative application, product, service or process. Beneficiary businesses were offered the opportunity to receive FREE of charge:

  • Learn about their real needs, problems and innovation opportunities
  • To obtain a Business Plan.
  • Improve their existing Business Plan
  • Develop an Innovation Plan
  • Obtain a Marketing Plan 
  • Receive support in costing their services/products
  • Receive an analysis of the market in which they operate
  • Receive support in the risk analysis of their activities
  • To obtain a Quality Plan
  • Receive assistance in their Digital Transformation
  • To improve their communication policy
  • Receive assistance in managing their Human Resources
  • Improve their decision-making capacity
  • Practice time management
  • To acquire a new Economic and Technical Study

Integrated Individualized Counseling Support

With the Centre for the Promotion of Start-ups of the Municipality of Piraeus we supported start-up development efforts and provided documented information and useful tools related to the following topics:

  • Diagnosis of the needs for innovation development in your business
  • Information Material and Good Practices on Innovation and the Blue Economy
  • e-guide to the licensing/certification of a start-up business
  • Successful businesses and policies in Blue Innovation sectors
  • Creating a network of innovative enterprises and startups in blue innovation
  • e-Library with Blue Economy and Innovation content
  • Online courses and presentations



Help Desk

Find Out More about Us, Our services, and Other Helpful Tips around Business and Startup Topics by registering in our forum


Beneficiary Companies




Communication events


StartUPiraeus Duration

Other Entrepreneurship actions of the Municipality of Piraeus